We have currently only information for Oppo F1S, but on other models the situation may well be similar.
Oppo F1S
Background services are being killed (including accessibility services, which then need re-enabling) every time you turn the screen off. So far, a workaround for this is:
Pin your app to the recent apps screen.
Enable your app in the app list inside the security app’s “startup manager” and “floating app list” (com.coloros.safecenter / com.coloros.safecenter.permission.Permission).
Turn off battery optimizations.
Give the service a persistent notification to remain in the foreground.
All four of those need to be done before the app would function.

Here are links to some other resources verifying that some of the above steps work on other Oppo devices:
Allow Auto Start-up
On Color OS 6, you need to enable automatic start from the background in the App’s info page.

Power Saver modes
You can choose one of three power-saving options under each app and allow the app to run in the background. If something like smart restriction is enabled and if the app is not cleared from the tasks, it should be running background processes but if the app is closed, the background services are paused and are resumed immediately when the app is opened again.

Solution for devs
No known solution on the dev end
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